Nicolas BLANC
Senior Associate – Attorney at the Paris Bar
Nicolas Blanc advises companies in the areas of contract law, competition law and distribution law.
Nicolas has been working as an attorney at GGV since 2019 and has also completed an engineering degree. Nicolas attaches great importance to looking at the legal issues he deals with from an overall perspective, taking into account the client’s business activities.
Nicolas assists clients in the drafting and negotiation of agreements and public contracts, particularly in complex matters with an extensive technical component.
Nicolas advises companies on the legal and environmental requirements applicable to them and acts both in pre-litigation matters as well as in litigation.
- Degree in engineering, École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris
- Master in Business Law, Ecole de droit de Sciences Po
- Master’s programme with a research focus on environmental law, Universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
- Several years of professional experience at the French Environment and Energy Agency ADEME and as an independent consultant
- Joined GGV in July 2018